Exclusive, explosive breaking reports from the
patriot Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years
Wednesday November 27, 2019
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
former Nazi CIA John Brennan
UNITED States of America - It can be reported that U.S. Inspector General Michael Horowitz (now under house arrest) is fully cooperating with now inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee, U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence and the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia.
Horowitz, along with former FBI Director James Comey (received immunity from the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia) have turned over evidence and fingered both former CIA Director Brennan and former NSA Director James Clapper in infiltrating the FBI with double agents loyal to the Nazi Bush-Scherff CIA and the British Intelligence and Israeli Mossad-controlled NSA.
Indictments served on Nazi BushScherff-Clinton-CIA 'Deep State'
at H W Bush funeral
There will be massive criminal referrals issued, which will lead to the decapitation of the treasonous CIA and NSA with a total take over by U.S. Naval Intelligence.
Nazi BushScherff-Clinton-CIA Deep State leaker
Guy Snodgrass
We are happy to report that Naval Intelligence has just arrested alleged “anonymous” aka Deep State leaker Guy Snodgrass for illegally leaking a bogus draft report allegedly linked to Horowitz absolving the Deep State from illegal spying.
Snodgrass is a CIA agent who works directly with former CIA Director Brennan with both Snodgrass and Brennan linked to actual death threats against Horowitz.
What we are dealing with here, folks, is over nineteen (19) years is massive illegal Nazi German gestapo-style spying on the American People.
It was Bush P2 British Intelligence double agent Stefan Halper (hired by Hillary and spied on President Carter in 1980 for daddy Bush-Scherff) who cooperated with Naval Intelligence to help finger his co-conspirators in the CIA and NSA.
Former pResident Barack Obama Soetoro continues to cooperate with now inaugurated United States President Gore in regards to the treasonous democrats in his own administration aka CIA stooge Hillary, former Vice president AIPAC stooge Joseph Biden, Samantha Powers and his former Attorney General Loretta Lynch who continued the massive illegal spying program against the American People that began in January of 2001 aka ‘Operation Stellar Wind’, a massive espionage program directed agains the American People by the illegally installed BushFRAUD-Cheney junta.
We can also divulge that now inaugurated United States President Gore has ordered the immediate re-arrest and decapitation of the entire illegitimate United States Supreme Court with the exception of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Chief Justice John Roberts and criminal associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be the first to be grabbed.
Naval Intelligence now has evidence and records linking now de-certified pResident Deutsche Bank stooge Donald J. Trump-Drumpf to conspiring with junior George W. BushFRAUD, former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, homosexual in-the-closet U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in having Kavanaugh selected a Supreme Court nominee.
Kavanaugh not only covered up the murder of Vince Foster, the illegal kidnapping of Leo Wanta, massive 9/11 torture but was actually the bag man along with Bush Family crony James Baker III and former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) in issuing bribes and pay offs to then Supreme Court Justices Rehnquist and Scalia to have junior George W. BushFRAUD illegally appointed as a FAKE president in the year 2000.
We can also report that the confirmation hearing on Kavanaugh was a scam with treasonous democratic Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey, Bush-Scherff relative Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Nazi prosecutor and Deep State whore Kamala Harris of California participating in the Christine Blasey Ford CIA whore psy op diversion as to protect Kavanaugh and BushFRAUD CIA business partner Hillary Clinton from being exposed.
It is important to remember that it was the two lesbians Israeli Mossad asset Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and CIA agent Hillary Clinton that scripted the whole Christine Blasey Ford CIA diversion hearing as to protect Kavanaugh.
It was Kavanaugh and Starr that gave Hillary access to FBI encryption codes in 1993, which allowed Hillary to spy on then Vice President Albert Gore and all of her alleged political enemies.
We can now reveal the Kavanaugh actually worked in the same office as CIA whore Blasey Ford and had numerous sexual encounters with her.
American Patriot Leo Wanta
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols
In closing, United States President Gore, along with the Department of Naval Intelligence, are now completing a total takeover of the privately owned Federal Reserve and are working directly with our great ally of over 200 years, the Republic of France, to return the STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds back to the U.S. and French treasuries where they belong.
Both Singapore and Austria are cooperating in the freezing of all Ukrainian and Czechoslovakia financial institutions that have been fingered in the last 48 hours as a conduit for the Michael C. Cottrell-Thomas Melville money laundry.
Trump-DRUMPF has been de-certified and
U.S. President Gore has been inaugurated by the
U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia
in June of this year and reaffirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court
as the duly elected inaugurated President of the United States
United States President Albert Gore Jr. will continue to enforce Executive Emergency Provost Protocol Override and will:
At this hour I am being threatened and censored by 'Deep State' trolls.
Donations needed and deeply appreciated
Tom Heneghan
14806 Delano Street, Apt 5
Van Nuys CA 91411
Breaking News Update 11/22/2019 (see full news release attached with hyperlinks)
See attached Documents of the transcript recording of the November 17, 1993 Criminal cause for Bail before the Honorable Allyne Ross United States Magistrate Judge and the 11/1994 dismissal of all charges against Ambassador Lee Wanta.
These documents prove, without question, he was kidnapped with no charges by Switzerland held illegally, had diplomatic immunity, was released to NY District Court held illegally on fraudulent charges from the State of Wisconsin. All charges dismissed, (See attachment);
Released and kidnapped by NYC held illegally in an area with no communication or human rights.
His kidnapping by the State of Wisconsin and all his personal belongs stolen, never accounted for or returned including 16 billion dollars.
Falsely imprisoned for 11 years by the State of Wisconsin.
It helps to clarify his status as an Ambassador, Secret Agent under President Reagan, his work to take down major criminals like Mark Rich, the murder of Vincent Foster and the donated 250 Million dollars to Clinton Foundation stolen (never accounted for) by Hillary and President Bill Clinton.
The murder of partner Howe Kwok.
The stolen Ionian Bank purchased by Wanta.
The stolen Trillions of dollars to be used as mandated by President Reagan and paid by the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols funds owned by Wanta.
The subsequent cover up of major RICO crimes including murder, extortion, blackmail, graft, which continues to this day.
Watch Eagle One to Wanta Newsline Show #2
64 minutes
This Newsline program and Website is a regular Newsline series to help establish the truth and justice. Produced by Gibby Media Group, Inc, Distributed by Viking International , LLC. Copyright c 2019
Also see the last Chapter in Ambassador Lee Wanta Biography Chapter 17 (30 pages) was written almost five years ago explains what is really happening in the Ukraine and the root of all the issues.
PAGE 7-10 specifically address this issue. Clintons, Victoria Nuland, The General Agreement of Cooperation.
Lon Gibby CEO & President
Gibby Media Group Inc.
1213 South Pines
Spokane Valley, Washington
99206 Office 509-467-1113 Fax 509-467-4763
Wanta Heneghan Gibby Talk Show
Exposes All of It
Bush-Clinton-CIA RICO
Eagle OneTo Wanta Newsline Show number #2
Lon Gibby CEO & President
Gibby Media Group Inc.
1213 South Pines
Spokane Valley, Washington 99206
Office 509-467-1113
Cell 509-939-3743
Fax 509-467-4763
Eagle One To Wanta Newsline
Gibby Media Group
Ambassador Lee Wanta is President Reagan's Secret Agent who helped take down the Soviet Union Evil Empire. He is known as the $31.2 Trillion Dollar Man.
This one hour Newsline update is current as of 11-05-2019. Moderated by Lon Gibby with Ambassador Lee Wanta and special guest Tom Heneghan.
This program contains some major breaking news, including the following information:
This and much more.
Join Ambassador Lee Wanta, Tom Heneghan who worked with Al Gore and moderator Lon Gibby for a one hour revealing News program.
This is the first in a regular series to help establish the truth and justice.
Stay tuned for explosive breaking intelligence briefings.
Be sure to read below
May God save the United States of America and
the Constitution of the United States.
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, recently inaugurated,
natural born President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law
Violating the Supreme Law of the United States,
the U.S. Constitution, IS a Crime
Oath - I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. 5 U.S.C. §3331
Title 18 Sec 2381 Capital Felony Treason
“In the presents of two or more witnesses of the same overt act, or in a open court of law, if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office, you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason.”
No More Above the Law!
“Laws for Thee - none for me”
Monitor, document, demand JUDICIAL prosecution of YOUR corrupt Taxpayers’ employees: federal, state, county, city
a Nazi Paperclip CIA + Israeli Mossad + Saudi Intelligence
espionage operation to videotape, blackmail and control
politicians, officials and notables
Prescott Bush aided Hitler's Nazis - charged with Trading With the Enemy Act
Prescott Bush ‘adopted’ Nazi SS Officer Scherff's son who was renamed George Herbert Walker Bush (Scherff)
Without notice to or consent from the America People, over 100 NAZI scientists were covertly imported into the United States wherein secret experiments were surreptitiously conducted in numerous cities on the American People
George H.W. Bush-Scherff was involved with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush-Scherff attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan three (3) times
Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush-Scherff orchestrated Iran-Contra and attempted to scapegoat President Ronald Reagan
In 1989 George H.W. Bush-Scherff STOLE $27.5 TRILLION from the American and French People’s Treasuries known as the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols;
30 years later an aggregate of $433 TRILLION is now waiting to be returned to the American and French People — these STOLEN Treasury funds will pay off national debt, employ millions on restoring America’s decaying, crumbling civil infrastructure, lower taxes, eradicate illegal federal income tax, etc.
White House pResident Donald J. Trump-Drumpf and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are knowingly and willfully committing HIGH TREASON against the American People protecting the HIGH TREASON Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate and corrupt banksters in refusing to return this STOLEN $433 TRILLION to the American and French People's Treasuries.
In 1997 then Vice President, now DULY ELECTED recently inaugurated President Albert Gore Jr. saved Leo Wanta's life when he was illegally imprisoned in Sayre, Oklahoma before the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate aka ‘Deep State’ could murder Wanta.
REAL President Albert Gore Jr., on behalf of We, the People, without hesitation in the face of assassination attempts, has worked steadfastly to STOP THIS HIGH TREASON and return the STOLEN $433 TRILLION to the American and French People's Treasuries!
Trump-Mnuchin-Jared Kushner $10 Billion STOLEN U.S.-French Treasuries
May of 2019 …an IMF (International Monetary Fund) audit has recently discovered that Trump, his crooked U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, along with his Israeli Mossad agent son-in-law Jared Kushner, recently conspired with the outlaw Argo and Manna Trusts and British insurance company Lloyds of London in order to launder marked up bank derivatives using the $10 BILLION due the Peoples Republic of China into private Trump family accounts headquartered at the German Nazi Deutsche Bank in Hamburg, Germany.
September 2019 Trump-Drumpf entire cabinet
This coincides with President Gore and General O’Shaughnessy ordering the immediate arrest of the entire Donald J. Trump-Drumpf cabinet, which has been conspiring with JPMorgan Chase, Michael Cottrell and Nazi German Dana Wilcox in the continued LOOTING of U.S. Treasury off-budget account funds (includes the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds).
Bush-Scherff family and CIA assets Bill and Hillary Clinton et al have been the MAJOR drug traffickers into the United States
George H.W. Bush-Scherff and son junior George W. Bush-Scherff aka BushFRAUD used BRITISH Galileo satellite at 7:58 p.m. Central Standard Time on the year 2000 presidential election night to flip the American People’s votes in five (5) states and STOLE the year 2000 presidential election from DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
Following the ‘Rule of Law’ it has been categorically confirmed by a massive NASA/NORAD Tesla electronic audit showing Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee won the year 2000 presidential election by over four (4) million votes and 324 Electoral College votes and Albert Gore Jr. is the DULY ELECTED recently inaugurated natural born President of the United States.
9/11 was a FALSE FLAG Black Op Psy Op attack on the United States using U.S.-Canadian red/blue war games as a disguise by the shadow government aka “DEEP STATE” aka BushScherff-Cheney-Israelis-Saudis
BRITISH SERCO disabled the American People's defense system NORAD on 9/11
ISRAELIS planted nano-thermite explosivess in the WTC Towers just prior to 9/11 [recall the "Dancing Israelis" celebrating and filming the attack on 9/11]
ISRAELI Mossad operating out of a post in United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) issued the cable giving the command order to attack the American People on 9/11 "the time is now, the match is hot"
SAUDIS assisted in the funding of the 9/11 attack
July 2019 One must remember that 9/11 was planned three (3) years in advance with a practice session in Saudi Arabia taking place in 1998 with the full knowledge of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden was present with the Saudi Royal Family during the practice session and then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. became aware of the practice session and ordered that bin Laden be executed only to have his executive order overridden by Bush-Clinton Crime Family puppet Bill Clinton.
9/11, which was supposed to take place in 2003, was to be used by the neocon group, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), to set the stage for never ending neocon Old Testament Evangelical wars in the Middle East which objective was to control all Middle East oil and create Nazi Zionist empire.
The selected stooge to conduct this was the son of the ex-CIA Director, junior George W. BushFRAUD, who was the pre-ordained CIA puppet to be the next president.
Many made millions in blood profits off the near 3,000 murders using stock market put options PRIOR to 9/11
Un-Constitutional "Patriot Act" aka Hitler’s Nazi "Enabling Act" was actually written PRIOR to 9/11 placing the American People into an Orwellian Nazi gestapo spy state
Bush-Scherff Nazi Paperclip CIA asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden was used for ILLEGAL war on innocent Afghanistan People who NEVER attacked the United States to stop the Taliban in 2001 from nearly eradicating the $1 TRILLION a year poppy/opium (heroin) fields
Phony, fabricated BRITISH “yellow cake” dossier used for ILLEGAL preemptive war on innocent Iraqi People who NEVER attacked the United States.
Nazi George W. Bush-Scherff aka BushFRAUD war criminal : Crimes Against Humanity false, fabricated wars wherein MILLIONS of unarmed, innocent Iraq and Afghanistan civilians were murdered, maimed or displaced
Iraqis and Afghans NEVER attacked the U.S. on 9/11
Bush-Scherff’s Nazi Paperclip CIA + BRITISH MI-6 + ISRAELI Mossad + SAUDIS + QATAR created, train, fund and arm their private mercenaries aka ‘terror crisis actors’ ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qadea, et al
Nazi Bush-Scherff controlled CIA's Operation Mockingbird aka cointelpro disinfo propaganda media lying and deceiving the American People, covering up massive, massive HIGH TREASON
Nazi Bush-Scherff/Clinton/Obama/British-Yiddish CIA Operation MKultra drugged and brainwashed Manchurian assassins and massacres
United States was prosperous for over 60 years until 1913 when the BRITISH Monarchy + KHAZAR Rothschild Bank of England et al private banking/bankster cartel created the (great misnomer NOT federal) Federal Reserve looting and manipulating the American People’s treasury and economy
Our Founding Father’s NEVER created tax on our labor but funded the federal government via import duties and excise tax
NOT A COINCIDENCE in 1913 when the illegal private banking cartel Federal Reserve was forced on the American People at the same time also in 1913 the illegal Federal Income tax on our labor was forced on the American People
Once over 50 now down to just six (6) who control most of the cointelpro disinfo cover up propaganda media in the United States
Orwellian cointelpro disinfo propaganda media used to cover up HIGH TREASON of the BushSherff-Clinton-Cheney-Obama Crime Cartel and foment phony fabricated FALSE FLAG wars and black op/psy ops attacks and shooting massacres
U.S.-French Joint Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil for over 200 years, along with the Military Games Division of CBS News, have discovered the locations of fifty-five (55) BRITISH Intelligence-linked G4S ISIS terrorist camps on American soil with the terrorists in possession of nuclear suitcase bombs that can be used to attack the American People at any time for political purposes.
BRITISH intelligence linked to massive U.S. government contracts aka SERCO infiltrated all or nearly all U.S. federal agencies
BRITISH Monarchy's Privy Council controls YOUR U.S. Taxpayers' employees in the U.S. Senior Executive Services (S.E.S.)
BRITISH intelligence linked to numerous False Flag massacres aka G4S employees/former employees
BRITISH intelligence linked G4S handles security at 90% of the American People’s nuclear sites
BRITISH intelligence linked and 9/11 Israeli Mossad linked United Arab Emirates (UAE) based Gulftainer in "Project Pelican" orchestrated by YOUR U.S. Taxpayers' employees Hillary Clinton, Obama, et al secretly, covertly WITHOUT NOTICE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, to control operations at the American People's HIGH SECURITY deep water port at Canaveral on a 35-year lease!
* after George W. Bush-ScherffFRAUD's attempt in 2006 to hand over control of American ports to UAE Dubai Ports World enraged the American People coast to coast - in 2014 this was done secretly, covertly without notice to or approval from the American People -- controlled cointelpro disinfo progaganda media has kept this covered up from the American People for over five (5) years
* Research: Nearly anything can be covertly imported in container shipments at our HIGH SECURITY deep water Port Canaveral operations controlled by United Arab Emirates based Gulftainer
* Research: HIGH TREASON Hillary Clinton's massive pay-to-play while U.S. Secretary of State
BRITISH Monarchy was handed by the American Taxpayers' employees Cons r us gress our very own Native Americans' sacred land of 2,000 years to be desecrated by their Rio Tinto copper mining company
BRITISH Monarchy's BP (British Petroleum) was allowed by (irrefutable) FOREIGN born in Kenya, un-Constitutional illegal White House resident Obama and Cons r us gress to spray the American People's gulf waters, shores, sea life with DEADLY COREXIT -- so deadly it is totally banned in England -- research the horrific, devastating impact on American gulf residents and sea life
BRITISH Serco and ISRAELI Mossad's domestic Black Cube have coordinated with above HIGH Treason "Shadow Government" aka "Deep State" Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate controlled CIA-FBI Division 5-DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and have planted nuclear suitcase bombs all over America
ISRAELIS are contracted to monitor the American People’s borders aka Elbit
YOUR U.S. Taxpayers employees : Greater percent of Cons r us gress are bribed and/or blackmailed acting on behalf of foreign entities and "Deep State" aka Nazi Paperclip Bush-Scherff / Clinton Crime Cartel NOT on behalf of the American People
IRREFUTABLE : Nazi Bush(Scherff)-Clinton Crime Family Cartel's stooge, lying and deceiving the American People, Constitutionally INELIGIBLE illegal White House occupant Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro was FOREIGN born in Kenya, his father a British Intelligence agent.
HIGH Treason in September of 2009, WITHOUT NOTICE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, then FBI Director Robert MUELLER personally flew to Russia to hand deliver a uranium sample on behalf of Hillary Clinton's orchestrated Uranium One TREASON via secret CFIUS - without notice to the American People selling 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia resulting in $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation
In 2014 Nazi Bush-Scherff controlled CIA+Hillary Clinton+Victoria Nuland+George Soros used $5 BILLION of AMERICAN PEOPLE'S TAX DOLLARS in the criminal orchestrated coup d’etat illegal overthrow of the duly elected Ukraine president resulting in neo-Nazis merging into the Ukraine national guard, more Soros control of Urkaine banks and Vice President Joe Biden's son sudden appointment to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest gas producer -- U.S. Tax Dollars are funding our military to train neo-Nazis in Ukraine national guard
HIGH Treason espionage ISRAELI Mossad agent Hillary Clinton knowingly allowed highly classified, top-secret and ABOVE and BEYOND Top Secret Special Access Programs (SAP) national security intelligence on her personal unsecured home computer endangering the American People's national security allowing access by foreign entities
Who is bribing and blackmailing and controlling We, the American Taxpayers’ employees in Cons r us gress?
While We, the American People, struggle, suffer and go without, our civil infrastructure decaying, higher taxes, higher national debt our tax dollars used NOT for We, the American People, but blood profits for the 1% globalists fabricated genocide wars, wars, wars . . .
1913 created (great misnomer) federal Reserve, NOT a federal government agency but the British Monarchy + Rothschild’s Bank of England et al private bankster cartel $1+ trillion a year in profits charging We, the American People, interest on money they create out of thin air
Nazi 'Operation Paperclip'
vital read
Decades ago over 50 corporations presented what was commonly known as “mainstream media”, now ONLY six (6) control the Orwellian cointelpro disinfo lying and deceiving cover up propaganda media
Who controls and runs MSNBC, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS . . . a hint: start with Nazi George Herbert Walker Bush-Scherff / Clinton shadow Deep State’s CIA and Israel and . . .
WWI hero General Smedley Butler, a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history - excerpts from his book “War is a Racket”
BRITISH ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION in the late 1930’s their magazine Destiny published a date for the beginning of their orchestrated (destruction of sovereign nations) “New World Order” (NWO), planned for September 2001 — entered into the Congressional Record, 76th Congress 1940
NWO György Schwartz aka George Soros helped the Nazis confiscate property in WWII and continues to say the best year of his life was 1944
NWO George Soros funds orchestrated violent protests and declared “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States .”
What percent of violent protesters are unemployed being funded by …?
READ The Most Evil Human on Earth by Steve Kroft
FALSE FLAG wars, attacks, massacres and controlled media cover up - control the populace with black ops psy ops "fear, fear, fear"
Gulf of Tonkin
Nazi George W. Bush-ScherffFRAUD’s 9/11 aka Hitler’s Reichstag Fire
Nazi George W. Bush-ScherffFRAUD’s un-Constitutional Patriot Act aka Hitler’s Enabling Act
and subsequent un-Constitutional Nazi National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) wherein Americans can be arrested and imprisoned without charge, without judicial process, INDEFINITELY on American soil
REAL enemies that attacked the American People on 9/11 - a hint, start with Bush-Cheney, Dancing Israelis, Saudis and massive-massive lying and deceiving cointelpro disinfo propaganda media cover up
Crimes Against Humanity fabricated lies and deceptions to orchestrate a preemptive invasion of sovereign nations Iraq and Afghanistan, unarmed innocent civilians who NEVER attacked the American People on 9/11
Fabricated FALSE FLAG CIA-MI6-Israeli Mossad-Saudi Arabia created, fund, train and arm their private terror mercenaries ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, White Helmets, . . .
CIA MKUltra drugged, brainwashed Manchurians used in black op psy op attacks and massacres
Boston Marathon Bombing immediately after the REAL two bombers were safely flown out of the U.S.
Orlando Pulse Nightclub massacre, not only Mateen but a team of five (5)
Parkland High School in Florida numerous eye witnesses saw, heard more than one shooter in different clothing
Subliminal messaging in media and social media controlling and manipulating our mind and emotions
HAARP frequency creating quakes, manipulating the jet stream, hurricanes, tornadoes, . . .
GWEN EMF Towers, electromagnetic frequencies bombarding our brains and bodies
5G military grade weapon frequencies cell towers imminent radiation danger radiating our brains and bodies
Directed energy laser weapons (D.E.W.) create horrific, devastating fires, 143 mph winds, houses in ashes, cars and tires melted yet surrounding trees and shrubs untouched!
Vaccines highly TOXIC ingredients : carcinogenic “nagalase”, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, live disease virus and more — research the greatest percent in outbreaks of measles, mumps, whooping cough were already vaccinated against the very disease they caught
POISON fluoride, used by Nazis in WWII and Communist Bolsheviks in the gulags to make prisoners passive and docile - scientific research again and again discovers toxic fluoride lowers IQ
Who is behind the lab-created “pandemic” diseases?
Self-anointed elite, the Illuminati New World Order cabal ongoing orchestrated de-population and total subjugation of the 99% of mankind
Robert F. Kennedy “A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability."
[Report to the United States Senate on his trip to Latin America and the Alliance for Progress, May 9-10 1966]
A REMINDER: Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the same as the hate-filled war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.
A REMINDER: Pedophiles and Homosexual gays and lesbians who are "IN-THE-CLOSET" are a MAJOR threat to National Security being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.
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